About Me

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Who am I? Well I am Jeffrey Nieman. I am a gay college artist who wants more than what is currently possible. I have yet to find my signature art. I have yet to define myself as an artist. This semester that will change. I am going to find what makes me an artist and what defines me as an artist. I am very pessimistic because of what I have gone through in my past and it affects me in everyday life. I guess you can say in these blogs you will read about what is going on in my head when I post, what is bothering me, just things that I need to rant/vent out of my system, or just things I feel like I should talk about.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well I haven't Updated my life in quite some time. Well Let me explain what has been going on...Let see.

I got a new Boyfriend. His name is Ronald. He is amazing. He treats me like I am human...not some freak who has a ton of baggage, not that anyone has. But he understands my problems because he has those problems as well. We met during summer :D. Well I pursued him to be honest. He was skeptical because I am only 21 and he is 41, but even with the age difference, we still love each other and have more in common than one would think.

I also became a Senior in College getting my degree for Fine and Graphic Arts, Concentration in Painting, after a summer of classes to catch up. Well Being a senior means I should get Seniority you would think. You would be respected more by teachers, and other students...nope...you really don't...I have had my senior Exhibition planned out since beginning of summer, first one to propose my show's idea...and I got most of my show in the works if not done. Well I had the Student Review today where I had to talk to the Faculty about my show...Which to me was frustrating...I still have a social anxiety and then Being talked over when trying to justify myself, I mean I am suppose to be speaking about my work...please let me finish before talking...then having the faculty tell me things they should have told me weeks ago when I asked. Well it is sorted out...I do not need to change my art unless I see fit. I mean one of the teachers called me Lazy today...after all I have been doing this semester. I mean; first to propose senior show, almost done with all my paintings, and I became the secretary of Kappa Pi, and I am lazy...he is the one who doesn't help students unless they have boobs.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

5 Things That Make Me Dislike A Person

1. 1 uppers / Elitist Attitudes- It is one thing to be proud of something your good at, but to act like your better than everyone else is annoying as can be. I know I sometimes play the 1 up game on accident but I do not mean to do it. Constantly trying to prove your better than everyone, and with the dumbest things. "I'm better at guitar hero than you"...WHO CARES OMFG shut the hell up. "I am in gifted in talented"...Good For you, I turned it down. Why do I want to make things harder for me ha ha. Now I can understand if it is a friendly competition but normally it is just snobby.

2. Drugs / Drinking- OK I have never understood the point of drinking alcohol or doing drugs. Why do you want to do something that makes you feel like crap after or causes you to not know where you are? Now I know some people will drink alcohol to loosen up some get rid of nerves and so on. I understand that is fine with me, but people who drink to get shitfaced...I really do not get it. You lose your motor functions and have no clue what the hell is going on or what you have done when you wake up.

3. Lieing- The dumbest thing ever to do. What is the point. It just makes more work for you and your brain in the future. Once you lie you have to continue with that lie and every lie you make till you come clean. Now I used to be a huge compulsive Lier, and I can tell you...I have kept up with some lies for 10+ years and it took a ton out of me emotionally. I realized what is the point of lieing...well to manipulate someone...well that is no fun because that person might actually like you for you and would do it for a real friend. I will admit I have lied about the dumbest things in the world but I have come clean about them. Now I have a "friend" who made plans with me before to go to a convention in October. Well the convention is in February. Well She decided it would be more fun if she went with some "new friends" to mardi gras and canceled her plans with me. Well she decided she was still going to go to the convention and totally didn't tell me. Yea had those plans for what 3-4 months to go and then she lies and ditched me. Then at school she tells the teachers that her car broke down...whats the point of lieing...they can find out easily...Especially if you have your teacher/friend on your Facebook...

4. Ignorance and bashing others- OK Ignorant people...people who dislike others for no legit reason. People who are racist, sexist, homophobic, speciest(furry related), or whatever...people who discriminate are the most annoying people in the world. OK Be proud of your religion and race fine...But don't degrade others for their choices or how they are. I am not a very religious person but to have someone try to force their religion on you is annoying...it is like me trying to shove a cock down a straight mans throat...It is raping of the mind and its annoying. Now I had this friend who constantly vented, bashed people who were better than him. Now He bashed me behind my back but it was because of complete jealousy...he has done it to many people and Now I do not really care but it is like...They are my friends too stop it. It is rude and pointless to tell someone who isn't the person...how do you expect someone to change for the better if they have no clue. Now I know I rant about some things but I will tell the person maybe in a nicer way but hey everyone needs to vent right? Just be smart about how you do it.

5. Abandonment- OK Now this is the one thing that bothers me the most about someone. If you are a true friend. Wouldn't you do whatever you could to make a friend happy. I had this "friend" for over 5 years. Now we were like brothers and he decided to move in with his dad because his mom was really horrible. OK I understand, and we still talked daily and we saw each other on vacations but it eventually got to the point where he stopped talking because of a game. Now I started to feel abandoned. Eventually I went to talk to talk to him again and he had no clue who I was. How do you forget a friend. Someone who was there for you through everything. I have had ever friend abandon me in some way. Well Almost every friend. I have one really close one right now Who I am sure is different. Sure He is my ex-boyfriend but I don't think that makes a difference. We have grown really close and even though my mind is constantly telling me he is going to do what every other friend has done...He is constantly trying to prove me wrong. I may have trouble remembering that but what does he do...he reminds me of things he has done and all he is trying to do. I do know he is the only person who will actually go out of his way to comfort me and make sure I am happy and that is why I still love him. I know in a year he plans on leaving to go back to school...I only hope that he will keep his word and stay my friend. Anyone who makes me feel like I have been abandoned makes me dislike them.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Who I was verses Who I am now

Who I was. When I was younger I was living day to day going through high school with guys trying day after day in P.E to rape me. I became a scared paranoid person. I became so withdrawn with people I lost the friends I did have and the ones who tried to help left. I was abandoned by everyone close to me. I was too scared to tell my family and when I told them about it in High school they thought I was lieing. To be honest I do no blame them for thinking I was Lieing. Throughout my life I was a compulsive Lier to keep myself from ending up worse than I already was. Eventually I snapped and then I was known as the Crazy emo fag. Great title if you want people to leave you alone. Which was how my high school was. Throughout high school I was alone with no friends. The friends I did have knew nothing about me because most of what I told them were lies. I was this hard ass with no emotion. If you crossed me, you ended up fearing me shortly after. I was alone. An outcast in my family and in public.

When I entered college I really started to change. I came out to my closest friends and then I kinda bloomed like a flower (yea I know gay in an ironic way). Either way I started to open up trying to continue my search for that person who would complete me. Now at the time I knew what I wanted, Where I wanted to be. I wanted to be an art teacher. Go to school get my degree in Fine and Graphic arts and minor in teaching and Have a family with the man I love. My mistake could have been that I wanted to find the person before I got to where I wanted. But I wanted to share all my experiences with someone because I have been alone my entire life. No one knew anything about me and I wanted my special someone to see me progress. See me become a greater person. But in my search I apparently lost myself. Somewhere along the way I lost who I wanted to be. What I wanted to be Has changed a little bit. I want to be a greater father/parent than my parents were to me. I wanted and still want to adopt a kid who deserves a family. I am still In school for my art, but I have no minor, I am still alone, My dreams of being a teacher has become being a stay at home parent who creates art on the side. Do I still want to teach art. Yes. Do I want to get my degree. Yes. Do I want to be a stay at home father. Yes, but I want to stay at home till my kids are able to stay at home alone legally at age 13, Then I would go find my job as a teacher. I want to live my life with someone by my side as support. To be with a person that I can experience new things. Someone to comfort me when I fail and fall.

The problem with my dreams and who I wanted be is that I have a ton of dependencies. I have a fear of driving which prevents alot of job opportunities, going out with friends, traveling, pretty much prevents me from having a life with other people because I have to be dependant on others. I have panic attacks and anxiety attacks behind the wheel of a turned off car. I am afraid to meet new people. There are very few people I feel comfortable with and large crowds, non artistic people scare me. I made all my friends through other people. I have panic attacks when I am forced to do something alone. It is a fear of mine that prohibits me from living a normal life. For the Longest time I could not use a public restrooms, I cannot talk to a teacher 1 on 1, I cannot go pay for items at a store without panicking. Most of these fears go away when I am with a person. These fears prevent me from having a normal life. I am afraid of being alone because I get flashbacks of what happened in elementary school with people trying to rape me. I have fears of that happening when I am alone again. Most people cannot understand what it is like to live my life. Maybe no one ever will understand how it affecting me. It just does. I might be one of those broken people. A person so damaged they cannot ever live a normal life.

Because of everything that has gone on in my life leads me to who I am now. I am a man who has no control of his life, Has no clue how to gain control, does not how to be a normal person. I have developed a dependant personality. It is to the point where I seem like a pet. I rely on others to make me happy again. Doing that on my own is almost impossible. Sure I have happy moments but it is nothing that stays. Like I do not have a job so everyone else has to feed me. People let me stay at their places, They feed me and I take what is given because I am happy to get anything from others. The physical attention from others the touch of a hug or a cuddle is what makes me really comforted. It makes me feel safe. It is really like an animal instinct. I am no better than a house cat with dreams.

I forgot my train of thought for now so I guess that is it for now. Till next time. bye bye

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who am I?

My blog is called We are one because of the Song We are One. Yes I know it is the song from Lion King 2 Simba's Pride (by the way it is one of my favorite movies ever)but the meaning of the song really fits how I should see my life instead of just pitching a hissy fit. So when I feel like things have not gone how I planned You will probably read about it.

If you think my life is interesting enough then follow me. I am going to warn you that my life is not a big bowl of fruit loops. I tend to see it in the worst ways. I guess that is the meaning of a pessimist.

Now onto my first problem. Do you know the feeling you get when someone is cuddling to you and that feeling of protection and safeness (is that a word?)? How do you cope with losing that feeling? For over 12 years of my life I had not felt that feeling. To me I feel that when I am cuddling up to a person I really care about. Normally I was feeling that for the first time in 12 years with my boyfriend. Well recently we broke up and That feeling was the feeling I was looking for and was now taken away. I lost the feeling of being safe and protected. Now I know I am probably just a big baby but hey, I am 21 and I cannot feel safe in my life. I do not have that person who used to comfort me. We are still friends or at least trying to be friends but that feeling isn't as strong anymore knowing that the bond we had is lessened. He said he is always there for me and wants to comfort me, but the problem is that I need the physical contact of a close male friend (female friends hugs make me uncomfortable) and he is the only one I have and when I need it he is not able to be there. Now as a Boyfriend I think he would be willing to come get me and let me stay over there while I had my moment. To be honest I never really needed those comforting holds because I was with him. I knew I always had someone who could help me or comfort me when I needed it. I knew that I wasn't going to be spending all my nights alone. Now I feel like a burden when I want him to comfort me. I do not know what is expected as a friend. I do not know what a friend like he wants to be does. I have never had many friends in my life. I have been a loner. Doing what I needed to, to survive. Do I ask for my exboyfriend/friend to come get me, or do I just stay where I am and Cry. I do not know what a friend does. I do not know how I can get that feeling of being comforted and feeling safe.

Well that is it for now. I guess I will just update when I find an answer, or have something else I need answering. In future posts I will talk about What has happened in my past and how it affects my day to day life.