About Me

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Who am I? Well I am Jeffrey Nieman. I am a gay college artist who wants more than what is currently possible. I have yet to find my signature art. I have yet to define myself as an artist. This semester that will change. I am going to find what makes me an artist and what defines me as an artist. I am very pessimistic because of what I have gone through in my past and it affects me in everyday life. I guess you can say in these blogs you will read about what is going on in my head when I post, what is bothering me, just things that I need to rant/vent out of my system, or just things I feel like I should talk about.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

5 Things That Make Me Dislike A Person

1. 1 uppers / Elitist Attitudes- It is one thing to be proud of something your good at, but to act like your better than everyone else is annoying as can be. I know I sometimes play the 1 up game on accident but I do not mean to do it. Constantly trying to prove your better than everyone, and with the dumbest things. "I'm better at guitar hero than you"...WHO CARES OMFG shut the hell up. "I am in gifted in talented"...Good For you, I turned it down. Why do I want to make things harder for me ha ha. Now I can understand if it is a friendly competition but normally it is just snobby.

2. Drugs / Drinking- OK I have never understood the point of drinking alcohol or doing drugs. Why do you want to do something that makes you feel like crap after or causes you to not know where you are? Now I know some people will drink alcohol to loosen up some get rid of nerves and so on. I understand that is fine with me, but people who drink to get shitfaced...I really do not get it. You lose your motor functions and have no clue what the hell is going on or what you have done when you wake up.

3. Lieing- The dumbest thing ever to do. What is the point. It just makes more work for you and your brain in the future. Once you lie you have to continue with that lie and every lie you make till you come clean. Now I used to be a huge compulsive Lier, and I can tell you...I have kept up with some lies for 10+ years and it took a ton out of me emotionally. I realized what is the point of lieing...well to manipulate someone...well that is no fun because that person might actually like you for you and would do it for a real friend. I will admit I have lied about the dumbest things in the world but I have come clean about them. Now I have a "friend" who made plans with me before to go to a convention in October. Well the convention is in February. Well She decided it would be more fun if she went with some "new friends" to mardi gras and canceled her plans with me. Well she decided she was still going to go to the convention and totally didn't tell me. Yea had those plans for what 3-4 months to go and then she lies and ditched me. Then at school she tells the teachers that her car broke down...whats the point of lieing...they can find out easily...Especially if you have your teacher/friend on your Facebook...

4. Ignorance and bashing others- OK Ignorant people...people who dislike others for no legit reason. People who are racist, sexist, homophobic, speciest(furry related), or whatever...people who discriminate are the most annoying people in the world. OK Be proud of your religion and race fine...But don't degrade others for their choices or how they are. I am not a very religious person but to have someone try to force their religion on you is annoying...it is like me trying to shove a cock down a straight mans throat...It is raping of the mind and its annoying. Now I had this friend who constantly vented, bashed people who were better than him. Now He bashed me behind my back but it was because of complete jealousy...he has done it to many people and Now I do not really care but it is like...They are my friends too stop it. It is rude and pointless to tell someone who isn't the person...how do you expect someone to change for the better if they have no clue. Now I know I rant about some things but I will tell the person maybe in a nicer way but hey everyone needs to vent right? Just be smart about how you do it.

5. Abandonment- OK Now this is the one thing that bothers me the most about someone. If you are a true friend. Wouldn't you do whatever you could to make a friend happy. I had this "friend" for over 5 years. Now we were like brothers and he decided to move in with his dad because his mom was really horrible. OK I understand, and we still talked daily and we saw each other on vacations but it eventually got to the point where he stopped talking because of a game. Now I started to feel abandoned. Eventually I went to talk to talk to him again and he had no clue who I was. How do you forget a friend. Someone who was there for you through everything. I have had ever friend abandon me in some way. Well Almost every friend. I have one really close one right now Who I am sure is different. Sure He is my ex-boyfriend but I don't think that makes a difference. We have grown really close and even though my mind is constantly telling me he is going to do what every other friend has done...He is constantly trying to prove me wrong. I may have trouble remembering that but what does he do...he reminds me of things he has done and all he is trying to do. I do know he is the only person who will actually go out of his way to comfort me and make sure I am happy and that is why I still love him. I know in a year he plans on leaving to go back to school...I only hope that he will keep his word and stay my friend. Anyone who makes me feel like I have been abandoned makes me dislike them.

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