About Me

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Who am I? Well I am Jeffrey Nieman. I am a gay college artist who wants more than what is currently possible. I have yet to find my signature art. I have yet to define myself as an artist. This semester that will change. I am going to find what makes me an artist and what defines me as an artist. I am very pessimistic because of what I have gone through in my past and it affects me in everyday life. I guess you can say in these blogs you will read about what is going on in my head when I post, what is bothering me, just things that I need to rant/vent out of my system, or just things I feel like I should talk about.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well I haven't Updated my life in quite some time. Well Let me explain what has been going on...Let see.

I got a new Boyfriend. His name is Ronald. He is amazing. He treats me like I am human...not some freak who has a ton of baggage, not that anyone has. But he understands my problems because he has those problems as well. We met during summer :D. Well I pursued him to be honest. He was skeptical because I am only 21 and he is 41, but even with the age difference, we still love each other and have more in common than one would think.

I also became a Senior in College getting my degree for Fine and Graphic Arts, Concentration in Painting, after a summer of classes to catch up. Well Being a senior means I should get Seniority you would think. You would be respected more by teachers, and other students...nope...you really don't...I have had my senior Exhibition planned out since beginning of summer, first one to propose my show's idea...and I got most of my show in the works if not done. Well I had the Student Review today where I had to talk to the Faculty about my show...Which to me was frustrating...I still have a social anxiety and then Being talked over when trying to justify myself, I mean I am suppose to be speaking about my work...please let me finish before talking...then having the faculty tell me things they should have told me weeks ago when I asked. Well it is sorted out...I do not need to change my art unless I see fit. I mean one of the teachers called me Lazy today...after all I have been doing this semester. I mean; first to propose senior show, almost done with all my paintings, and I became the secretary of Kappa Pi, and I am lazy...he is the one who doesn't help students unless they have boobs.

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